“I want to paint the way a bird sings” - Claude Monet
Live Wedding Painting Investment
Live Wedding Painting Investment
Wedding painting is an extremely personal decision. It is a custom made piece of art that will start by being made on your wedding day but, ultimately, will be cherished for a lifetime in your home together. Because of this fact, it is very important that your artistic preferences align with those of your chosen wedding painter. I want you to be excited to showcase your wedding painting in your home!
Each wedding painter has their own set of skills, style, & are uniquely talented in the way that they can paint quickly under immense pressure & produce a professional painting in a short amount of time.
Artists base their prices for live painting on skill/experience, canvas size, people included in the painting, materials used and time painting live. Because of this, each artist will price their work differently, and each project uniquely.
I do believe in transparency with pricing, however to serve my clients the best in this one-of-a-kind service, it is necessary for me to create one-of-a-kind quotes for each painting that will be tailored to each unique couple. Pricing for KM Fine Art Studios to paint live at your wedding starts at $2200.
live wedding painting gallery
painting from photographs
guest portrait painting info
illustrative table “numbers”
Bouquet Painting / +$150
Watercolor painting on paper, 8x8 inches. Painting of your wedding bouquet, post ceremony. To be included with shipping/drop-off of your wedding painting.
Prints of Live Wedding Painting / +$30-$200
Price is dependent on the market price for paper and printing as well as the size desired. Made using Giclee printing, a high quality ink jet printer that allows for physical prints to keep original resolution and color. They have the sharpest detail and highest resolution, displaying a full-color spectrum and making it the ideal way to print paintings.
Watercolor Guest Portraits (click for more info)
A unique favor that your guests get to take home and cherish forever.
Hand-Drawn Illustrative 5x7 Inch Table “Numbers” / +$35 per table
Unique table numbers for weddings and parties. Make your day the most YOU it can be. Whether you’re a bird watcher, world traveler, or wine connoisseur—allow your event to reflect your passions. And, what’s even better, you get to keep the illustrations as a piece of art for your home afterwards!
Guest “Book” Venue Painting or Couple Painting / +$80-$450
Price ranges based on materials, style preference & size. Please inquire for an exact quote.
I adore traveling & hope to paint live in any of these locations. Whether you are planning a dream destination wedding in Banff or eloping in Italy, I would be beyond thrilled to be there! If your event is in any of the following places, you will receive a discount on your live painting service.
Kat’s Live Painting Bucket List
United States
Telluride (CO)
Aspen (CO)
National Parks
Banff (Canada)
Smoky Mountains